Frequently Asked Questions
How do I use the digital tokens?

When you purchase the digital token, you'll be given a 5-digit code to unlock the simulator. When you arrive, you can begin your session by entering that 5-digit code into the simulator's lock-screen. A great way to make sure that you don't lose your 5-digit code is to take a screenshot of your token confirmation.

I've arrived a few minutes before my scheduled hour - can I start the simulator?

If you arrive up to 15 minutes early and the simulator is unoccupied, you can enter your token for up to 15 minutes of extra time. You're welcome!

Can simulator time count towards my PPL or Instrument Rating?

Yes. Our simulators, which are FAA-approved Basic Aircraft Training Devices (BATDs), can be used for up to 2.5 hours of your Private Pilot training with an authorized flight instructor.

For the Instrument Rating, a BATD device can be used for up to 10 hours.

And a BATD device can be used to complete a significant portion of your Instrument Currency requirements.